Helminthic therapy events

Welcome to our site! This September 2023, helminth self-treaters from around the globe unite to celebrate their remarkable health transformations through helminth therapy. Join us, delve into this cutting-edge approach, and connect with our vibrant, supportive community.

Prescott, Arizona 2023

Details coming soon

In September 1976, J.A. Turton published a groundbreaking letter in the scientific journal « The Lancet, » sharing his experience of using Necator Americanus to alleviate his long-standing allergies. Nearly 50 years later, a growing community of individuals who self-treat with helminths advocate for this amazing aproch.

We invite you to be part of this movement by attending local events, or even organizing an event in your area. These events welcome everyone, fostering respect and understanding as we strive to promote helminth therapy. Together, we can spread awareness about the benefits of this cutting-edge health benefit and work towards increased acceptance and accessibility.

By participating in these events, you will have the opportunity to connect with others who are curious, learning or self-treating with helminths. Our goal is to raise awareness about the benefits of helminthic therapy and provide a supportive community for those interested in exploring this option. We sincerely hope to welcome you at our events and work together to promote this innovative approach for the benefit of people suffering from autoimmune diseases, inflammatory disorders, and dysbiosis.

About www.htwiki.org

Helminthic therapy involves reintroducing safe, domesticated helminths into the digestive tract. This therapy has been used by thousands of individuals to treat and prevent autoimmunity, inflammation, allergy, and neuropsychiatric disorders. We think of these organism as kind of big probiotics.

The loss of helminths from industrialized societies during the 20th century has led to deficiencies in immune function, contributing to widespread pandemics of allergy and autoimmune disease. Helminths are essential for a healthy human biome and provide effective exercise and training for the immune system. Exposure to helminths is necessary to maintain optimal immune function and avoid inflammation-associated disease. Approximately 75% of the self treater are estimated to experience an improvement in their health. [2] The overall response rate is particularly impressive given that most people who use this therapy have already tried every other treatment that is available for their condition.

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© 2025 Helminthic therapy events

Thème par Anders Norén